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Use these 3 tips to stay safe when driving in unexpected conditions

On Behalf of | Feb 18, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Winter weather has hit Texas hard this year, leaving many people without power and at risk of crashes from unexpectedly snow-covered streets. A car crash caused by winter weather isn’t particularly common in Texas, but if a rouge storm strikes, then you could be at risk of injuries yourself or others. Whether it’s a heavy rainstorm with gales, an icy sleet storm or snow itself, you need to know what to do to be safe on the roads.

Though Texas doesn’t receive extreme winter weather often, it can catch people off-guard when it does arrive. If you see snow on the radar or temperatures will drop cool enough to freeze rain or sleet, here’s what you should do.

  1. Put together an emergency preparedness kit

In your vehicle, you should have an emergency kit prepared. This should include water, food, first-aid supplies, a flash light, a warming blanket and other essentials. If you do crash or have to pull over to wait out the storm, having this kit on hand will help you say hydrated, fed and warm.

  1. Keep an eye on the weather forecast

If the weather is going to be unexpectedly cold or will have unusual precipitation, make sure you check on the updated weather forecast regularly. Doing this will help you prepare and respond. If you notice a storm will hit sooner, talk to your employer about heading home, or opt to stay where you are until the worst passes.

  1. Don’t overestimate your skill

Finally, don’t overestimate your winter-weather skills. If you aren’t sure of driving on icy or wet roads, wait until the weather clears before going out. Doing this will minimize the number of people on the roads and help prevent collisions.

These are three tips to remember if you come across cold, dangerous weather. If you are involved in a crash, stay where you are, call 911 and wait for help to arrive.
