Anniversaries are typically marked to celebrate happy milestones. Unfortunately, not every anniversary is a reason to celebrate, especially when such a date marks the passing of a loved one. It was recently noted that, in Texas, there have now been 19 consecutive years of daily motor vehicle accidents that have taken at least one life.
State officials launched a new campaign to ensure that there is not a 20th anniversary of this tragic problem. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, the majority of these accidents are preventable. Most of these fatal crashes can be attributed to poor driving habits. Drivers who speed, swerve out of travel lanes or allow distractions to take their attention off of the road are just some of the factors that have contributed to this woeful statistic.
Impaired driving is another common cause of these fatal wrecks. State officials are reminding drivers to refrain from operating a vehicle if they have been drinking alcohol or taken drugs. In addition, travelers are urged to use their safety restraints and to adjust their driving to the weather and road conditions. The state is working to enhance the safety of the roads to help reduce the numbers of crashes throughout the state.
There is an online initiative to help spread the word about safe driving habits. Those who have lost loved ones in Texas motor vehicle accidents are encouraged to share their stories of their loved ones online and to spread the word to others to help increase awareness of the need to work together to save lives. When a fatal crash takes the life of a loved one, surviving family are often left with the monetary burdens that tend to accompany an unexpected death. If negligence on the part of another party was a contributing factor, victims may seek financial redress through the state’s civil courts.