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Victim, 8, of alleged drunk driving accident succumbs to injuries

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2015 | Drunk Driving Accidents |

A moment in time in the year 2009 changed one family’s life forever. The then 2-year-old son of a Texas couple suffered severe brain injury in an incident which led to drunk driving charges. The next six years were spent caring for the baby, who remained in a vegetative state and suffered damage in 80 percent of his brain after his family’s vehicle was hit from behind by a driver later charged with having been intoxicated. Sadly, the journey of care for this young boy came to an end on a recent Sunday when he passed away due to his injuries.

The mother and father of the boy learned that the alleged drunk driver was operating his vehicle with a blood alcohol content of more than three times the legal limit. It was further revealed that the man apparently carried seven prior DWI convictions spanning four states. Thus, they sought to have a law passed in memory of their son which would result in more severe punishment in such cases. According to recent media reports, Abdallah’s Law has now been passed.

The man whose apparent negligence took the life of their son is scheduled to stand trial in criminal court, facing a maximum prison term of up to 20 years. The family is also reported to have filed a civil lawsuit against Applebee’s Restaurant, claiming that it served the driver too much alcohol prior to his causing the now fatal accident. Reports indicate the claim sought $10 million in damages for medical expenses, lost wages and personal suffering. That portion of the lawsuit concerning Applebee’s was reportedly settled for an unspecified amount.

Drunk driving continues to be a menacing presence on the roads of Texas. Those who suffer the untimely death of a loved one or suffer personal injury due to the alleged negligent acts of others behind the wheel have a right to pursue litigation in an effort to seek compensation for their losses. Professional consultation would most likely provide valuable guidance and assistance to those who are attempting to navigate the legal system.

Source: CBS News, “Texas boy Abdallah Khader dies from injuries sustained in 2009 drunk driving crash“, Jan.13, 2015
