Many people in The Woodlands lead very busy lives. This means that it can be difficult to unplug from personal devices, even when behind the wheel. Unfortunately, this kind of irresponsible behavior can lead to serious or even deadly car wrecks.
A survey aimed at looking at the behavior of drivers has uncovered some disturbing statistics. The chances of being in a collision increase 20-fold when the driver takes his or her eyes off of the road for even two seconds. And yet, for every 100 trips a driver took, it was found that his or her phone was used during 88 of them. In addition, the average time spent on the phone per trip was over three minutes. Earlier research has shown that human error plays a role in 93 percent of motor vehicle crashes.
The information was collected through a new app that was developed to collect data about people’s driving behavior in order to bolster prevention efforts. By knowing what people are doing behind the wheel, how fast they are going and where they are geographically when doing so, experts can use that information to identify areas where prevention and enforcement need to be stepped up.
An injury sustained in a serious car accident can have a lasting impact on a person’s life. In addition to physical and emotional struggles, many people also take a hit financially as a result of a crash. People who have been injured in a distracted driving accident may wish to contact an expreienced attorney.
Source: The Huffington Post, “This Smartphone App Can (Literally) Save Your Life,” Jerry Bowles, Aug. 5, 2017